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to the Remote Viewing

News & Events

02 JUN 21
The RVC products, RV Chronos & RV GeoLoc, are no longer being distributed by Remote Viewing products (www.remoteviewingproducts.com). The only place to get them is at the The RVC, RV Chronos & RV GeoLoc websites.

11 MAY 21
Regained access to the RVC twitter account.

11 MAY 21
Joined GAB today (@remoteviewer1). Drop by and join us!

05 MAY 21
Joined Minds today. Drop by and join us!

05 MAY 21
Many of the links are now out of date and even the Wayback Machine archive doesn't have a snapshot. I'm leaving the links here on the news page here for archival purposes. The RV products are still available and have been helping people worldwide. Its been learned and used by thousands of people all over the world. If you would like to learn how to remote view please contact me through the RVC website. The LARVG is now defunct but the website at myspace still exists but I don't have access to it anymore... I forgot what the email address is for recovery. The twitter & facebook accounts are also defunct and may be compromised and used by someone other than RVC personnel. The only place you can be sure of contacting my is through the email link on the contact page at the RVC website. Best regards! - Michael Ruiz

13 APR 10
Michael Ruiz will be on the Donna Seebo Radio Show this Thursday at 2PM MST! Don't miss it! Here's a link to the show.

13 APR 10
I don't how we overlooked this awesome article about Chronos at the Examiner.com so check it out if you haven't already! It's written by Debbie Ballard. Thanks Deb!

27 MAR 10
Read Chelsea Langan's BLOG about RV Chronos, the RVC and Michael Ruiz. Its a great read!!!!

17 FEB 10
The entire look and feel of the site has been updated.... hope you like it!

17 FEB 10
Michael was a guest on Science For Life with Doug Parks today. If you missed the show you can download or stream it. Be sure to visit Doug's website here.

15 FEB 10
The Remote Viewing Consortium just inked a deal with Remote Viewing Products! RV Chronos and all of our future releases will be available exlusively from Remote Viewing Products! Visit them here

11 FEB 10
Michael will be a guest on the following shows! Don't miss them!
Science For Life
Host: Doug Parks
Date/Time: Wednesday, February 17th @ 9am PST

Psychic Illumination Radio
Host: James Vitale
Date/Time: Sunday, March 7th @ 7pm MST

Nancy's Metaphysical World & More
Host: Nancy Wallace
Date/Time: Sunday, April 25th @ 4pm PST

12 JAN 10
See the RV Chronos Press Release here!!!!

02 JAN 10
Watch the latest Trailer here

01 JAN 10
OK... Happy New Year!!!!!

06 NOV 09
The RVC is in negotiations with a PR/Marketing firm..... stay tuned for BIG things in the near future!!!!!

03 OCT 09
Look for an updated RVChronos.com web site soon. We're implementing the shopping cart now and soon you'll be able to pre-order your copy of the the RV Chronos DVD!

18 DEC 09
We've been so busy there hasn't been time to update the news section of the site. PR/Marketing is in full swing and the DVD is just about complete. Check out the latest video at youtube.com

06 NOV 09
The RVC is in negotiations with a PR/Marketing firm..... stay tuned for BIG things in the near future!!!!!

03 OCT 09
Look for an updated RVChronos.com web site soon. We're implementing the shopping cart now and soon you'll be able to pre-order your copy of the the RV Chronos DVD!

The DVD editing process is almost complete and we're going through the final edit and creating bonus content and much more!!!!

03 OCT 09
Second Chronos teaser is realased at youtube, metacafe, DailyMotion and other video sites.

12 SEP 09
Chronos teaser is realased at youtube, metacafe, DailyMotion and other video sites.

11 SEP 09
RVChronos.com website goes live.

03 SEP 09
Join us at Facebook.

29 AUG 09
Visit us at MySpace and Twitter.

10 JUL 09
Video production is in full swing.

09 JUL 09
Kara Noble is contracted to do the voice over work for the RV Chronos DVD and script is sent.

08 JUL 09
Final draft of the RV Chronos is delivered.

06 JUN 09
Second draft of script is delivered.

23 JUN 09
1st draft of the RV Chronos script is delivered.